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Learn to speak and read Spanish at a reasonable price in gurgaon with job at gla consultants india

Jan 21st, 2024 at 01:04   languages   Gurgaon   174 views Reference: 1177

Location: Gurgaon

Price: ₹17,000


The Spanish Language is Divided into Different Levels

  • Level A1

    A1 level student (access) is able to understand and use everyday expressions and can use basic phrases aimed at expressing immediate needs. An A1 level student (access) is able to introduce themselves and others and ask and give personal information about their home, their environment and the people they know.

  •  Level A2

    A2 level student as a language user able to understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to particular topics relevant to the student: information about themselves and their family, shopping, restaurants, professions, places… An A2 level student knows how to communicate to perform simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information. The language user knows how to describe aspects of their past and environment as well as issues related to their immediate needs.

  • Level B1

     B1 level student (access) is able to understand clear texts on familiar topics, both in work situations, study or leisure. The student knows how to juggle B1 level in most of the situations that may arise during a trip and is able to write coherent texts on topics familiar to themselves or their interests. They can describe experiences, events and desires, as well as justify opinions.

  • Level B2

     B2 level student as being able to understand the meaning of technical texts or abstracts from text, only if the student has knowledge in that field. The level B2 students can relate with native speakers fluently and naturally, so they can have a conversation without difficulty. They can write clear and detailed texts on different themes, as well as defend a point of view.

 Level C1

 C1 level user as being able to understand extended speech even when it is not clearly structured and when relationships are only implicit and not explicitly stated, to understand without much effort television programs and films, as well as long and complex texts of a literary or factual nature, specialized articles and long technical instructions even if they are not related to his/her specialty.

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