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Best online hindi speaking course in india with affordable price

Jan 24th, 2024 at 02:19   languages   Delhi   180 views Reference: 1216

Location: Delhi

Price: ₹18,000

Our Online Hindi Language Courses

Our course focuses on spoken Hindi with a particular emphasis on pronunciation.This is supported by training in vocabulary, sentence construction, grammar, & conversational practice.


Spoken Hindi Classes for Beginners

  1. Introduction to Hindi and Simple Greetings
  2. Personal Pronouns
  3. Gender of Nouns
  4. Interrogatives
  5. Numbers, Imperatives & Requests
  6. Adjectives with conversations
  7. Verb Endings, Post position & Negations
  8. Present Tense in different personal pronouns
  9. Daily Routine Conversations with common verbs and their usage
  10. Past Tense in different personal pronouns
  11. Past Tense forms Case Endings
  12. Present Continuous with conversations
  13. Plurals and converting of Noun Genders
  14. Simple Post positions with cases for Masculine and Feminine forms
  15. Post Positions 2 - cases of adjectives, compound post positions
  16. Future Tense in different personal pronouns
  17. Adverbs with Conversations
  18. Habitual Aspects with Different Pronouns
  19. Questioning Forms
  20. Construction of Sentences with the perfect tenses
  21. The number system
  22. Case Systems
  23. Connecting Sentences, Conjunctions, Compound statements & Exclamations
  24. Advance Grammar Part 1
  25. Advance Grammar Part 2
  26. Advance Grammar Part 3

                   LEVEL 2

            Advanced Hindi Speaking Classes


  1. Self Introduction, Meeting a Friend, My family
  2. Introducing a friend, How was the day, Interviewing for a job
  3. Where do you stay, Hobbies, Talking about work
  4. Asking about the time, Talking about the weather, Talking with a taxi driver
  5. At the shop, At the restaurant, Asking for the directions
  6. At the train station, Talking on the phone, Looking for a job
  7. Job Interview part 2, New Clothes, Inviting someone
  8. Talking about movies, Ordering at Mc Donalds, Doctors appointment
  9. At the hairdresser, Customer Service, Customer Feedback
  10. The trail on Clothes, Lost items, Exchanging items
  11. Chatting with a colleague, Teacher & Student, Using a Camera
  12. Buying Flight Tickets, Talking about vacation
  13. Buying a Foreign Currency, Job Interview 3 and Booking a hotel room
  14. Talking about business, City life & Rural life, Flight Announcement
  15. Selling the house, Describing the travels, Talking about the school
  16. Learning New Skills, Moving to another country, My phone
  17. Shopping Part 1
  18. Shopping Part 2
  19. Visiting a Restaurant
  20. City Travel 1
  21. City Travel 2
  22. City Travel 3
  23. Order Delivery - Food & Products
  24. Domestic Help
  25. Introducing a colleague, fiance, spouse, and family

Level 3 - Hindi Reading & Writing Classes

Join our course to know about third level